Project Number: RAS5099
Title: Management Practices (ARASIA) Developing Climate Smart Crop Production including Improvement and Enhancement of Crop Productivity, Soil and Irrigation Management, and Food Safety Using Nuclear Techniques (ARASIA)
Duration: 2022 - 2023
Project Number: RAS5089
Title: Enhancing the Sustainability of Date Palm Production in States Parties through Climate-Smart Irrigation, Nutrient and Best Management Practices (ARASIA).
Description: RAS5089_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2020 - 2021
Project Number: RAS5080
Title: Developing Sustainable Agricultural Production and Up scaling of Salt-Degraded Lands through Integrated Soil, Water and Crop Management Approaches - Phase III.
Description: RAS5080_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2018 - 2019
Project Number: RAS5074
Title: Enhancing Wheat and Barley Productivity Through Induced Mutation with Supportive Breeding and Related Biotechnology Technique (Phase III).
Description: RAS5074_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2016 - 2017
Project Number: RAS5072
Title: Enhancing the Use of Salt Affected Soils and Saline Water for Crop and Biomass Production and Reducing Land and Water Quality Degradation in ARASIA State Parties.
Description: RAS5072_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2016 - 2017
Project Number: RAS5068
Title: Developing Effective Practices for Combating Desertification.
Description: RAS5068_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2014 - 2015
Project Number: RAS5063
Title: Improving the Reproductive and Productive Performance of Local Small Ruminants by Implementing Reliable Artificial Insemination Programmes
Description: RAS5063_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2012 - 2013
Project Number: RAS5058
Title: Supporting Mutation Induction and Supportive Breeding and Biotechnologies for Improved Wheat and Barely - Phase II.
Description: RAS5058_Desc.pdf
Duration: 2012 - 2013
Project Number: RAS2014
Title: Implementing a Quality Assurance System for Nuclear Analytical Techniques in ARASIA State Parties.
Description: RAS2014_Desc.doc
Duration: 2010 - 2011
Project Number: RAS5048
Title: Mutation Induction and Supportive Breeding and Biotechnologies for Improving Crop Productivity (ARASIA).
Description: RAS5048_Desc.doc
Duration: 2010 - 2011